Home Tag "Cosmology"

The Funky Solar System

Heikegani Productions presents ‘The Funky Solar System’, a funky tour of the Solar System. The Sun and each of the planets have their own soundtrack and personality with the common theme that this is the funkiest solar system in the galaxy. Featuring amazing cgi documentary footage of the planets, sci-fi films clips, Carl Sagan soundbites, […]

The Antikythera Mechanism – 2,000 Year Old Computer

Where do you start? Part Indiana Jones, part Stargate, the story of the Antikythera Mechanism is extraordinary, its implications profound. In 1900 a team of sponge divers, sheltering from a storm on the island of Antikythera in southern Greece, made an unplanned dive of the greatest serendipity. To their astonishment they found the wreck of […]

Brian Cox – Refresher Course in Cosmology

Brian Cox has, for many, become the face of science storytelling, and while his musical background gives him his edge, it is his talent for explanation that gives him his credentials. Here, as part of an outreach programme by the University of Manchester, he gives a lecture to a room full of UK school kids. […]

John Lloyd: An Animated Tour of the Invisible

Comedic genius John Lloyd‘s classic Ted Talk is an entertaining rumination on the wonder of the universe, here beautifully animated as part of TED’s TEDEd project – ‘lessons worth sharing’. Recorded in 2009, Lloyd cleverly weaves a linguistic labyrinth of intriguing juxtapositions whilst highlighting the paradoxes of our scientific understanding of the universe. Delivered as […]

David Deutsch: Chemical scum that dream of distant quasars

David Deutsch puts a whole new perspective on our place in the universe in this challenging, amusing, and bewilderingly brilliant TED Talk. Oxford physicist Deutsch is one of the most creative and original minds working in science today. He is the undisputed father of quantum computing and has written two very important, yet accessible, books […]

Powers of Ten

Powers of Ten is a classic short film made by the famous Californian design team,  husband and wife,  Charles and Ray Eames. Narrated by Philip Morrison, the film starts with a camera hovering over a man enjoying a picnic on the lakefront in Chicago. What follows is an amazing visualisation of the relative scale of […]

The Cosmic Calendar

Imagine the entire history of the universe squeezed into a single year… It can be nearly impossible for our brains to comprehend the scale and age of the cosmos. Talk of “billions and billions” can easily lead to a loss of perspective when attempting to comprehend vast amounts of time . Thankfully, our favourite cosmologist […]

Lawrence Krauss: Life, the Universe and Nothing

Lawrence Krauss is a theoretical physist at Arizona State University working at the interface between particle physics and cosmology. He is the Inaugural Director of the Origins Project at ASU – a national center for research and outreach on origins issues, from the origins of the universe, to human origins, to the origins of consciousness […]
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